Monday, May 4, 2009

Stephanie Wilkins - Administrator

Almost two weeks pass with no action and no phone calls, so I tried Stephanie Wilkins again this afternoon.

I reviewed the situation, and although there seemed to be a glimmer of recollection that I had left a voice mail, she clearly had no concern. She said I would have to call their Safety Person, Moata Kadeshe, at 202-635-5545

I then recited all of my notes and contacts with her with her. She wondered why Harold would give me her name, but she clearly recognized both Mark Allen's and Jason Grime's names, and said Mr. Grimes works with Mr. Kadeshe, and that they're the right people to handle the investigation. I assured her that I would not drop the issue or go away; she assure me that they don't want me to, but the investigation would take a lot of time because there was no plate number. (They all seem to think that no plate number means no responsibility. Ultimately, we'll probably let a judge decide that in small claims.)

When I pressed her as to why she never returned the phone call, she said probably because she couldn't help me, and that she's basically an administration person who would put me in touch with the right person. Great, more runaround!

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