Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Haven't Forgotten

Don't worry, Comcast, I haven't forgotten about you. Just busy with work and vacation. I'll get back to you eventually...


  1. Can you sue them? I certainly hope you can. You should sue for damages as well as compensate your for your time and troubles! MikeT

  2. ive had my 2007 chevy crew cab totaled by a comcast van, PLEASE get back with me on this, i need help as well, i believe the investigator was paid off. 2 witnesses against me but they seen NOTHING, no real witnesses, i believe there were many on my side but not put in the police report.

  3. No follow-up for six months??? What happened???

  4. Have you contacted the Better Business Bureau? Their website is: I suggest you file a complaint with them. They have been very helpful to me in my own quest to recover $96 that Comcast charged me a month after I closed my account.

    Good luck!

  5. Please update!!! My husband and I found your site and became intoxicated with your bog and situation. We really dislike comcast due to unfair billing, a robbery, and rude service. We hope you are keeping with your fight and good luck!!

  6. Added more to my prior post: Comcast and Liberty Mutual are Lying Scums. They work together to deny employees short term disability payments and harass and fire them if they have to take time off under Family Medical Leave Act. It is not surprising that they are lying in your case, too. Comcast is a thug who bought off the FCC Commissioner Meredith Attwell Baker by hiring her as a highly paid V.P. after she voted for their illegal merger with NBC. Never expect Comcast or Liberty Mutual to ever do the right thing. You will always have to get a lawyer to get justice from them. Comcast and Liberty Mutual believe they are above the law and will always do whatever they can to screw the little guy because they feel they can get away with it. Comcast also use GPS on employee cell phones to track their whereabouts to make sure they are not doing any unscheduled visits to off-route homes during their work schedules. Mangement then can call the house and ask, "is so and so tech there?" they certainly could use this GPS to find which van was near your house on a given day.

  7. I have an entire electrical circuit out in my house because of the Comcast tech moving the amplifier to a different circuit in the basement and it entire week now and counting. I am experiencing the same problem getting anyone on the phone to talk to and get this resolved. They keep closing out the service ticket. Ready to scream myself!!
